Huntress Unleash New Song Co-Written by Motorhead’s Lemmy Kilmister
Huntress are ready to take things to the next level and helping send them on their way is Motorhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister. The legendary musician recently spent time co-writing a new track with the band called 'I Want to F--- You to Death' that will appear on Huntress' forthcoming album, 'Starbound Beast.'
Huntress vocalist Jill Janus states, "I met Lemmy through my former band Chelsea Girls. We'd play hard rock and metal covers featuring guest celebrities. Lemmy was already friends with the girls, so he played 'Ace of Spades' with us and it blew my mind. We stayed in touch and would meet up at The Rainbow for drinks. So I asked him a few months back over Jack & Cokes if he'd write lyrics for a Huntress song and he said 'Sure.' A few weeks later, I met him at the studio during Motorhead recording sessions. Lemmy handed me two pieces of notebook paper with the lyrics for 'I Want to F--- You To Death'. I am beyond honored. To me, this is a love song. It is the most romantic song I've ever heard."
Lemmy adds, "The first time I heard Jill's voice with Chelsea Girls, it was phenomenal. I wrote these lyrics from her point of view, the Huntress. 'I Want to F--- You To Death' was inspired by her, written for her. I've always had a soft spot for her. And a hard spot too …"
Fans can check out the song below or click on the 'LIKE US TO DEATH' tab on Huntress' Facebook page. Huntress' 'Starbound Beast' album is due July 2 via Napalm Records. Catch Huntress this summer playing the 2013 Mayhem Festival.
Listen to Huntress' 'I Want to F--- You to Death'
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