Adult film star Amia Miley made an interesting claim about ex-boyfriend Machine Gun Kelly. Miley, who dated the rapper/pop-punk star roughly eight years ago, alleged he once drank her urine during a date.

On a recent episode of the Inside OnlyFans podcast, the 34-year-old recalled the moment, although not name-checking MGK, she hinted that the former flame was having a baby with actress Megan Fox.

"I don’t know what we were doing, but we got to his house and he was like, ‘Go in the shower.’ And I’m like, ‘No, I don’t need a shower.'" So I did, and he held out his hand, and he’s like, ‘OK, now pee,'" she said.

She gestured to how he cupped his hands, saying, "Then he started going like this into his mouth."

Miley claimed they didn't do anything sexual after that, and he "never did it again after that one day,” assuming her urine “probably tasted gross."

"So maybe he didn’t like the taste,” she added.

Miley also noted that she and MGK "reconnected a few years ago," alluding that it may have "overlapped" when he was with Fox.

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She didn't go into much detail regarding their alleged encounter but described her relationship with MGK as toxic.

"It was just weird the whole time. I liked him in phases. He has like 30 different personalities. You never know which person you’re getting in this minute, and that was hard to deal with," Miley stated.

The actress added that he can be "very down to earth and understanding and deep," but "in the same exact moment, he can be the complete opposite."

As previously reported, MGK and Fox recently separated nearly a month after the actress revealed she was pregnant.

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