Maynard James Keenan Teases 2014 Tool Album + New Material From A Perfect Circle and Puscifer
Fantastic news from Mr. Maynard James Keenan! The anticipation for new Tool and A Perfect Circle material has left countless Keenan fans shivering in the fetal position. However, the singer has just hinted at news that Tool fans have been waiting for with bated breath.
It's no secret that out of Maynard Keenan's three current musical projects, Puscifer have been his top priority in terms of new releases. In fact, Puscifer have put out a total of nine releases since both Tool and A Perfect Circle delivered their last offerings. Fans of Tool and A Perfect Circle have been hounding Keenan about new songs for the better part of a decade, and the vocalist offered a response over the weekend.
On Sept. 7, Keenan took to Puscifer's Instagram account to post the following:
For my 666th IG photo, I'd just like to say... Music is happening on ALL fronts. Always. #lightenupfrancis#shitupandletmework #tool2014 @aperfectcircle @tool @puscifer
During our latest interview with Tool drummer Danny Carey, the master percussionist also stated that 2014 would likely be the year of Tool. "Right now, since we haven't started tracking stuff at this point, it'll be hard," Carey shares about a 2013 Tool release. "We could have the record finished by the end of the year -- that's a possibility, but the logistics of getting it manufactured and getting the record company in line and all this stuff, I doubt we'll be able to get it out before Christmas. We'll see how it goes. Most likely, it'll be early 2014."
As for A Perfect Circle, Pause and Play is reporting that the band is scheduled to release a new album, 'Three-Sixty,' on Nov. 19. But more than likely that's a mix-up, as it was just announced that APC are in fact releasing a box set collection of rarities, live performances and more titled 'A Perfect Circle Live: Featuring Stone and Echo,' which will drop Nov. 26.
Get excited, people! And stay tuned for more Tool, A Perfect Circle and Puscifer updates as news continues to break.