Five Finger Death Punch Unleash ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Video
Five Finger Death Punch are back with a new video for their rocking new single "Jekyll and Hyde." The clip features the band members doing various nonsensical things, as they apparently created the video without consulting their record label, Prospect Park.
Of the new video, guitarist Zoltan Bathory says, “Punking the label and trolling the trolls is actually very satisfying … so either we make a video that makes a difference like 'Wrong Side of Heaven' did or we just f--k it all up and have fun with it ... just clown the whole thing as we did with 'Under and Over It'… and now with this one. We didn’t even hire a director … we didn’t want this to accidentally make sense…”
Prospect Park president Jeremy Summers adds, “First we were scratching our collective heads but we never once interfered with their vision… so ultimately -- if that’s what the band wants to put out we are not going to stop them. We were shocked, then cried, then laughed because it’s actually funny."
Frontman Ivan Moody recently stated of the song, "As for the first single, everybody is Jekyll and Hyde. There are multiple personalities to every human being, and no matter how civilized and sophisticated you think you are, if you dare to look at yourself very, very closely, you’ll see… somewhere deep down… there is a demon inside. Your circumstances may not have provoked it yet but trust me, it’s there."
Check out the video above. The song is featured on Five Finger Death Punch's upcoming Got Your Six album, which is due Aug. 28. The album is currently available for pre-order in a variety of bundle options at this location.
Look for Five Finger Death Punch hitting the road with Papa Roach, In This Moment and From Ashes to New this fall. Dates can be found here and for VIP packages check this location.
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