We Came as Romans Lead ‘The Barricade’ Livestream Event
We Came as Romans have signed on to head up a two-day livestream event titled "The Barricade" in early December.
Hosted by SiriusXM Octane personality Caity Babs, the event will feature The Plot in You and Dayseeker playing Thursday, Dec. 3, while We Came as Romans are paired up with Bad Omens for the Friday, Dec. 4 livestream. The event is being put on by Sweetwater Studios. Look for the festivities to kick off at 7PM ET / 4PM PT both days.
All four acts will have exclusive merch lines created specifically for "The Barricade" event. Head here for details.
"As terrible as 2020 has been for the entire entertainment industry, creating this livestreaming event has been a nice escape for everyone involved, and we are hoping it has the same effect for our fans," says vocalist Dave Stephens. "The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has been extremely difficult on all of us, but we are thankful to have had the opportunity to be together, play music and be blessed with the resources to share it with our fanbase. Stay safe everyone, and keep your heads up."
We Came as Romans hope to return to touring in 2021 and have already been announced for the 2021 Rock Fest.
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