Poppy Splits With Creative Partner Titanic Sinclair
Sometimes a clean break is needed, and Poppy has announced her split with creative partner Titanic Sinclair.
The mysterious vocalist came to fame on social media via a series of odd YouTube clips, but over the past year news surfaced that Sinclair had a previous partner named Mars Argo who sued claiming that Sinclair had replicated her identity and music to create Poppy. The lawsuit was eventually settled, but a divide between Poppy and Sinclair seemed to have followed.
In a new social media missive, Poppy attempts to clear things up concerning her association with Sinclair, revealing that she was "trapped in a mess" and has found her way to dig out of it. She adds that she is now happier than she's ever been and excited to move forward. Read the entire post below:
To whom it may concern,
I grappled with the thought of making this statement but I decided to set the record straight.
As some of you know, my former creative partner and I have parted ways. This was a long time coming but this is a person whom I defended in the past because I thought he was misunderstood. The reason I am making this statement is due to the amount of misinformation online about me and my character and I owe it to myself to clear a few things up.
I met this person at a young age and things were seemingly good for a while until echoes from his past were too loud to ignore.
I was never "an accomplice" to this person's past actions like some believe - I was a person who suffered similar wrong doings as one of his former partners brought to light.
This person glamorizes suicide and has used it many times in the past to manipulate me. And the last time I finally had enough.
As a grab for attention he messaged fans before he tried hanging himself while I was on tour with an item that belonged to me. These are tactics that he used for years. This person lives in an illusion that he is a gift to this Earth. He weaved himself into a storyline, wanting the public to believe he was a puppeteer, which is so far from the truth.
In light of recent events brought to my attention, he is already quick to jump in and use my former friends as his next experiment, repeating manipulative patterns he has for years.
I was trapped in a mess that I needed to dig my way out of - and like I always do, I figured out a way to handle it. I encourage those of you who feel trapped in a situation, whether it be similar to my previous one or not - to take the first step because that is the most difficult one.
This is not a request for sympathy and I am not a weak victim, but this is me setting the record straight.
I am happier than I have ever been and I am excited to move forward.
Poppy has emerged in recent months, taking her music career in a heavier direction. Back in May, she issued the chaotic new track "Scary Mask" with an assist from Fever 333. Soon after, a tour with Bring Me the Horizon and Sleeping With Sirens was announced, helping her to further build some hard rock cachet. In the remaining months of 2019, the harder leaning songs "Concrete," "Bloodmoney," "I Disagree" and "Fill the Crown" followed.
I Disagree is also the name of her forthcoming album, which is set to arrive on Jan. 10. Pre-orders are being taken here and she'll kick off a headline tour next month. See dates and venues here.
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