Ronnie Radke – ‘Holding People Accountable for Something They Did 20 Years Ago Is Insane’
Social media has really advanced the idea of cancel culture in recent years, with many examples of celebrities' past behavior being called into question by today's standards. But in a new TikTok video, Falling in Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke calls into question the practice of passing judgment on someone based off past actions as applied to today's cultural standards.
Radke fielded multiple questions from fans on TikTok, posting his answers, but the singer had a definitive point to make about retroactively canceling someone based off a decades old action.
The fan in question posed the idea to Radke, "Ronnie, you have to admit there's a lot of really bad people in rock music." The singer then used that question to make his case about retroactive cancellation.
READ MORE: Ronnie Radke Says All Iconic Musicians Have Been Polarizing During Their Careers
"You have to understand that things 20 years ago were way different and that's called culture shift and culture change and change in society. And people with low IQ's are the loudest on Twitter and TikTok and they are the ones calling people out for saying things 20 years ago that were okay to say then but they're not okay to say now. And there's even things from 20 years ago that people would do that were not okay but people didn't care as much and people want to call them out now," said the singer.
He then made his point, stating, "Holding people accountable for something they did 20 years ago is insane."
The vocalist then broke down his argument further, stating, "I understand that we as a society are obsessed with celebrities to the point of demonizing them. That's always been a thing, but at this point you guys are just demonizing everyone. You're not allowed to say anything and everyone's afraid of saying things."
He then added, "I'm not afraid of nothing. I've said terrible things. I've said really good things. I've done great things. I've done bad things. That doesn't mean I'm necessarily a good person or an evil person. It just makes me a human being."
@ronnieradke Replying to @cheshireecatt ♬ original sound - RonnieRadke
The topic of cancel culture is nothing new for Radke, who sang the lines, "Oh no they’ll never let go / Of something you said 10 years ago / They’re cancelling you / And they won’t stop till everybody’s / Zombified" in his 2022 song "Zombified."
Speaking with Loudwire Nights in 2022, the rocker stated, "Whenever I'm doing interviews or anything nowadays, I worry if I say the wrong thing. That is insane to me, I can't believe that. And it's very minimal things. It's like, 'Well if I say this, this person might get upset."
"I feel like everybody feels that way now," he continued. "Most people that are in any sort of public eye or doing anything that works for a big company, they have to constantly worry if they're saying the right thing, or if something they said f--king literally 10 years ago — when it was okay to say it — is gonna be not okay to say it now and your whole life is over. You're fired, your career is over, you said something 20 years ago that was okay, but now it's not and you're done. You're a piece of shit."
Radke believed the problem is that people aren't given the chance to grow, and that while sometimes being scrutinized can be helpful if you actually did do or say something wrong, other times it seems "ridiculous."
"I'll never apologize, because something I said 10 years ago was literally okay then," he affirmed. "[If] I said something in the '90s that's not okay now, it's unacceptable, come on. It doesn't make me a bad person. What would make me a bad person is if I continued, even knowing it's not right. There's just a fine line you gotta walk. It just feels like you have to walk on eggshells. It's hard to be any type of celebrity nowadays."
Do you agree with Radke's argument about retroactive cancellation? Is it right to pass judgment on someone for something they did when society's standards were different than what they are now? Can you allow for someone to grow from a past mistake or social error or see the error of their ways with maturity without passing judgment? Should a show of retribution be made for a past infraction that has been brought to the forefront due to modern day standards? Weigh in on the topic in the comments.